y issue on April 5, 2003z
There is no driver though the NetMD drive unit for building into appears on the market.
(*baruk*) goods of drive gMDU-PC(H)" made by Kenwood NetMD of the USB connection which can be built into five-inch bay are selling it in the second three which it is top shop. The real sale price case is 5,800 yen (Refer to "New product found this week" for details). In addition, the first (*kurebarii*) shop says the stock was able to be confirmed at the time of in the evening of Saturday, the fifth in this shop only though 1 piece that (*S) will schedule to arrive by the end of next week.

In the sale by now by the NetMD drive, this time is the first time a built-in type is sold only by outside putting type gDM-1NET" of Kenwood. However, it is not attached at all, and notes the point which the user should separately obtain by some means. necessary of software for the device driver and the music data transfer etc.Because the device driver was demanded though [it] is recognized as for the drive when it was done to test the connection in the Windows XP environment this shop; It seems to be able to be said that obtaining the device driver is indispensable.;

The drive provides with the eject button forward in a simple structure and [it] provides with each connector of four pin power supply, audio, and four pins USB (B type) in the back. By the way, the spec looks like and the design of (*bezeru*) looks like the model equipped with a part of made in Hitachi put on the market last year desktop PCgPrius Deck570C" NetMD drive well though the same is uncertain.

It will be able to be said that a person not confident is safe not putting out the hand because it is necessary to acquire the driver and software by the user though cheaper one than gDM-1NET" are very attractive.

- DM-1NET (Kenwood)
- Prius Deck570C (Hitachi Ltd.)
- Related article
y30 November, 2002z The NetMD drive of the USB connection is a sale, and 32 time or less velocity from Kenwood.

(Kenwood DM-1NET)
(Kenwood MDU-PC(H))

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